
In Transcarpathia was Held the first Lecture for Police officers on Human Rights

Commissioner for public relations in Transcarpathian region Oleg Grigoryev

October 12, 2016: the regional coordinator of the Commissioner for public relations in Transcarpathian region Oleg Grigoryev and authorized by the Head of the National Police on the Human Rights in the Transcarpathian region Tatiana Trillo came to employees of Transcarpathian police with a lecture on human rights.

This is the first lecture of a planned series of lectures on human rights in the work of the National Police.
The main objective of the planned lectures and trainings for the police is to change in emphasis in the work of the police to investigate offenses on their prevention.

The regional coordinator of the Commissioner for public relations in Transcarpathian region Oleg Grigoryev told the audience about the peculiarities of the national preventive mechanism in Ukraine, which, acting in the “Ombudsman Plus” format, provides for the implementation of monitoring visits to places of detention by employees of the Office of the Ombudsman, together with public monitors, who have been trained.

Commissioner for public relations in Transcarpathian region Oleg Grigoryev

In addition, during the speech Oleg Grigoryev separately focused on the theme “Community policing” (policing concept, oriented on society).

“The result of this model, which has already been proved by European countries, is to create a system of mutual responsibility between citizens and police. The police must become an organization that is trusted, to which people apply with problems, rather than be punitive special forces. Citizens need to know exactly about their own and police rights and obligations”, – Oleg Grigoryev said.

According to the regional coordinator of the Commissioner, today, the police is isolated from the society, but for the effective discharge of its judicial functions, the police need to establish communicative connection with the community, which will be the first step in overcoming the chasm of mistrust and building a democratic state.
At the end of the training speakers assured that such meetings with the staff will be held in the future and their results will be checked by the relevant police tests.
